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A portion of our society rendered powerless by age, lingers in old-age senior-citizens' homes isolated from healthy society. Often abandoned by their families or due to the workings of fortune and fate they spend their last days alone in such homes where they seldom receive any visitors. Loneliness kills their spirit more than old age or health. Devoid of any peace, they live a life pressed with stress and anxiety. Who says stress makes personal life conflicted for just the young and middle aged? It strikes harder in old age when there's no one to help relieve it. To make good however tiny a bit that may be, we decided to put a smile on their wrinkled faces.


In colab with Rac DOC DSE we set out to one such home- Shishiraj Foundation, Shahadra, to spend the day with our special seniors. Happy to meet us, elders told stories from their childhood and turned kids again as they sat playing ludo, snake-ladder and cards with rotaractors. Some took delight in listening to their favorite old Hindi songs. A laughter yoga session was also held to make their day bright and cheerful and to bring positivity to their otherwise dull life. Our day ended so soon it seems, it was time to go home before we realized but we left with the promise to visit again!

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