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अज्ञानतिमिरान्धस्य ज्ञानाञ्जनशालाकया
Salutations to the Guru who removes the darkness of ignorance from our blind eyes with the light of knowledge.

There is a reason why teaching is proclaimed as a noble profession. Teachers are our mentors, our first role models. It is our teachers who open the vistas of knowledge to us, acting as an influential guiding force through the years of learning.

This Teachers' Day, as a tribute to our Gurus, Rotaract District Organization RID 3011 celebrated 'Teachers beyond Teaching' to honour our esteemed teachers who have done noble and selfless service through the years and been the guiding force behind countless students out in front.

The event was organised in Delhi Technological University (DTU) campus on 5th Sept'17 from 1 pm to 4 pm

The event was hosted by Rotaract Club of Young Visionaries and Sponsored by Rotary Club of Delhi Rendezvous.

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