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"Sharing is caring!"

There is always something that we all can share with each other. And whatever we share, it all comes down to radiant smiles and happiness. Sharing is a joyous feeling. 

After having a wonderful time and a successful event at Prayas Children's Home for Boys, rotaractors moved ahead to experience more of this joyous feeling of sharing. We shared oodles of happiness and food among the slum dwellers of Madhuban chowk, the beggars who flocked in on us at traffic signals  and the homeless people who seem to have made footpaths their homes. 

To the fully endowed people, sharing food with the homeless is an infinitesimal thing. But to the people receving that food, it is a heavenly feeling. And, it is their joy which makes this infinitesimal thing of sharing and donating food a heavenly feeling for the donors as well. 

This act of helping out the poor by donating food, left everyone feeling serene and content. 

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